#Windows #Professional #range #laptop #powerful #Intel #processor #Weighs #massive #Lightwei Windows 10 Professional Top of the range Hp mini laptop with a powerful Intel Core i7 processor Weighs just 1 3kgs and has a massive 8gb I7 Lightwei

Brand : HP2540P
Binding :
Color : Black
EAN : 1788777388895
Label : HPEIlitebook
Product Group : Personal Computer
Manufacturer : HPEIlitebook
Feature :
- ~Comes with 1 year warranty (excluding battery, as its classed as a consumable item)~
- ~Cost £2200 new, yours for just £429.99 TODAY ONLY with Microsoft OFFICE 2007 Professiona~
- ~DUAL core Intel Core i7 high performance 2.13ghz processor with massive 8gb ram and 160gb hard drive~
- ~Comes with Windows 10 Professional 64BIT and built in high gain speed WIFI~
- ~HP 2540P ultra portable laptop weighs just 1.3KGs with built in DVD-RW drive~
Windows 10 Professional Top of the range Hp mini laptop with a powerful Intel Core i7 processor Weighs just 1 3kgs and has a massive 8gb I7 Lightwei. #Windows #Professional #range #laptop #powerful #Intel #processor #Weighs #massive #Lightwei
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